Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"From the Page, to the Screen"

   The idea behind our avatars is that we wanted a way to comically connect with our audience and users, what better way then: "Here's what we would look like if we were in a comic." We also wanted a way to variate and include the people we work with. So in the future keep your eyes peeled out for clients being converted to an LS avatar. Not only that does it help us build a better connection with our clients but it also leaves them with something to remember us by.

- LS

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Yellow Rose

   In our quest for success, we've been reaching out to a lot of our friends who are running local businesses and asking them for their advice. Today we got the chance to visit Yellow Rose and got their insight and knowledge on business. Aside from that store design caught our attention as well. If you're into the whole vintage thing you should go and check it out. The whole store was designed and made by the owners, no contractors or anyone was hired to do it, and everything that was used for the store (props and such) was handmade from things they had laying around or had found from garage sales and such. They have a wide selection of clothes and cool trinkets, visit them at:

104 El Camino Real
San Carlos, CA 94070
(650) 576-7680

Cozy store set up, and the owner is super nice!
Cool lamp!

- Until next time! LS

Monday, December 10, 2012

Animals on the loose in SF!

Every day at work I always pass this light post. It's a creative advertisement by the SF Zoo that implements design into our daily surroundings. Makes me want to go to the zoo...

If you guys are in the city and spot these animals, feel free to share it with us!
- LS

Monday, November 19, 2012

First Interior Project

We just got the opportunity to work on our first interior project! We're not going to tell you guys who or what it is yet but we will tell you that it is a studio. We're super excited about this project, and we can't wait to share it with you guys! (For those that do know what we're working on, keep it on the DL.)
- LS

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our blog! Here you can follow us on our current projects and adventures. Please be patient with us as we are still trying to figure out a appropriate format and process on how to run this blog. Some things you can expect form our blogs are: insights on design, our design process for current projects, and good old fashion adventures. Stay Tuned!

   - LS