Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 - New Year, New Goals!

HAPPY NEW YEARS everyone! Thank you to all of our friends and family for supporting us, without you guys we wouldn't be pursuing our dreams today. We would just like to take this moment and turn the page on 2012 and bring in 2013, and share with you guys our goals and resolutions as well as what to expect from us for the upcoming year.

Lifted Surface's 2013 Goals

1. First T-shirt printed
2. First series of clothing line
3. Create unique packaging for clothing line
4. Product + shopping cart page on website
5. First interior project finished
6. 1500 likes on FaceBook
7. Have a monthly promotion/contests for our supporters
8. Three reputable collaborations
9. Iphone 5 case design
10. Get our own studio/office space
11. Set up a Youtube channel
12. Get stickers printed
13. Design and print our sample book/portfolio
14. Devise our standard operation procedures (SOP)
15. Release a blog weekly
16. Get 1000 followers Instagram

Simon's 2013 Resolutions: "Save $10,000, meet more intelligent people and designers, enrich myself with experiences that I may get from LS and also as always improve my english and learn more vocabularies."

Long's 2013 Resolutions: "To get back in the gym (typical I know), take at least one (good) photo a week, draw more, read more books, travel out of the country, learn the art of calligraphy, and take a kickboxing or martial arts class."

Some of these are already in development and some of them we haven't even thought about but it's still things that we hope to accomplish by 2013. Early projects that you can expect to see from January is the release of our first T-shirt (be sure to get yours!), and the completion of our first interior project, both of which we can't wait to share with you guys!

We hope you guys have a great 2013 and we appreciate all you guys for your support! Continue and follow us for updates on our projects and see how develop Lifted Surface this year.

- LS

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